As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
Access Control Lists (ACLs) 263
ACID transactions 237
Agile methodologies 24-26
Agile sprint
example 25
Amazon EBS 254
Amazon S3 253, 254
AMD/ARM processors upgrades
AWS example 157
Azure example 156
GCP example 157
performing 155, 156
amortization 131, 173
example 174
Apptio Cloudability 394
features 43
URL 44
Aqua Security’s tfsec
reference link 77
Aria Cost by CloudHealth
features 42
Aria Cost Powered by CloudHealth 394
Artificial Intelligence (AI) 387
as is, to be, gap approach 109-112
Aurora capacity units (ACUs) 235
automated tagging 72
AWS-generated tags, versus user tags 78
in IaC 76, 77
tagging inheritance 72
AWS Application Migration Service 86
AWS Athena 126, 139, 142
AWS Aurora...