The market believes that the key value of SD-WAN is the potential for cost savings of 50 to 90% compared to routed, legacy network services from telecommunications service providers. The time to use SD-WAN is anytime that managed network communications are not the core revenue source of the organization evaluating WAN solutions. SD-WAN offers superior resilience to network outages (blackouts) or network impedance (brownouts). SD-WAN offers superior quality mechanisms over policy-based routing. It also offers superior levels of security over routing and VPN-based solutions.
In the market, we have many sellers touting SD-WAN as a cure-all solution for network issues. Industry analysts believe that installing SD-WAN saves money. However, the technical debt from legacy solutions in production requires significant skill, time, changes, and financial resources to convert from a legacy WAN architecture to a SD architecture. The overhead from the redesign, education, and impact...