Solution architecture
In this section, we will discuss each node type and show how all the components work together to accomplish the project's goals. Although the feature list described some of the common functionality of the nodes, it would be much clearer to discuss each node separately. Let's start with the light sensor.
Light sensor
The light sensor device will have the following features and functionality:
- It integrates a TLS2561 sensor to measure the ambient light level.
- It reads from TLS2561 every second and compares the reading against a predetermined threshold level.
- When the level goes below or above the threshold, it broadcasts a message to the BLE network, indicating a high/low status of the light reading.
- The user can provision the device in a BLE network by using a mobile app. During provisioning, it blinks an integrated LED indicator.
For this set of features, we can design and implement the following software modules in the...