Mobile use case for RYLC with MAF
RYLC currently is selling only directly to end customers at central points, such as airports, train stations, and ports. Now, more sales channels will be addressed, especially smartphones seem to be interesting. Further on, the guaranteed quality of rental cars shall be improved by checking the cars in a better way with mobile device support (cleanliness and maintenance interval). This should lead to better customer satisfaction. The first release of the RYLC mobile app should deliver this functionality:
- Login/logout
- Show profile of logged-in user
- Show rental history of logged-in user
- Submit new car rental
The screenshot shows the Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF) flow for ordering a rental car via a mobile device:
You enter your location (prefilled by GPS when identical to your rental location) and the date and time. On the second wizard page, you can choose the type and class of car. Screen 3 displays details of the option you chose, and screen...