Operation Vigilante – using the red team to fix things
An interesting idea to entertain is pathing vulnerabilities when compromising systems. This is a tactic that real adversaries have been applying as well, to prevent them from being kicked out of an environment by another adversary.
Rather than solely exploiting a vulnerability to gain access, the red team can deploy fixes during exploitation as well. I have been calling these Fixploits. Deploying Fixploits is an interesting tactic and if done in collaboration with the blue team, it can help improve the overall understanding of the attack surface and even improve the security posture.
Some adversaries are known to patch the vulnerabilities that enabled them to exploit a system. This is unusual for a red team to do, though, since there are dedicated patching, hardening, and blue teams that take care of remediating issues.
However, the red team can also offer to help. Proposing efforts like this can lead to the formation...