Adding virtual machines to a tenant
Now that we have associated our vCenter to the APIC, we need to start associating some virtual hosts to the tenant.
To do this, I set up a new ESXi host in VirtualBox (with the VM set to use two CPUs, two 30 GB hard disks, and 4 GB of memory). If you are short on available hardware and are running the ACI simulator within one ESXi host, this avoids any issues that could be caused by adding the host controlling the ACI simulator to a tenant running within the simulator.
I am not sure whether there would be a problem, but I did not want to encounter any "divide by zero" issues!
How to do it...
- Add the ESXi host to vCenter and license it.
- Go to the
settings, and add the new host to the DVS by right-clicking on the switch and selectingAdd and Manage Hosts
- Follow the wizard to add the ESXi server. Once this has completed, you should see the host listed.
- Import an OVA file (I am using a Tiny Linux OVA file due to its small footprint), by selecting...