Creating your first "Hello World" document
MicroStrategy documents can be considered as HTML pages; they're very complex at times, but still they belong to the Web world. We will see that it is also possible to use HTML tags in them. In a document we can represent various objects, and use data from different reports and graphs.
With the Desktop application we were limited to one grid or graph at a time; with MicroStrategy Web there is no such limitation and we have the possibility to put several datasets on a single page plus images, shapes, links, and HTML code.
Documents have different visualization modes: as with reports, we create and modify objects in Design View , while the users will consume the data in Interactive View . In fact, there are more types of views, but for the moment let's remember those two: Design and Interactive.
Getting ready
Enough said, let's get our hands dirty and create a very simple document. You need to have all the schema objects and all reports from the previous...