Publishing Your Go Binary as a Homebrew Formula with GoReleaser
In this chapter, we’ll look at GoReleaser and GitHub Actions and how they can be used in tandem to automate the release of a Go binary as a Homebrew formula. First, we’ll look at GoReleaser, a popular open source tool that streamlines the creation, testing, and distribution of Go binaries. We’ll look at its various configurations and options as well as how it works with GitHub Actions.
Following that, we’ll look at GitHub Actions, a CI/CD platform that lets you automate software development workflows and integrate with other tools such as GoReleaser. We’ll look at how to use it to ensure consistent and reliable builds, tests, and deployments.
After we’ve mastered both tools, we’ll concentrate on triggering releases, creating a Homebrew tap, and integrating with Homebrew for simple installation and testing. Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS, can be used...