Creating customized particle systems
So far, we have tried all the particle systems that are bundled with the Cocos2d-x framework, but during our journey as games developers, there will be many situations where we will have to create our own particle systems.
There are tools which allow us to create particle systems and adjust their properties in a very graphical way. This allows us to create the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) type of particle system.
The most common application for creating the particle systems, which is actually mentioned several times within the official Cocos2d-x documentation, is called Particle Designer. It is currently available only for the Mac OS, and you need to buy the license in order to export the particle system to a plist file. You can download it and try it for free from the following link: The Particle Designer is shown in the following screenshot:

You can also create your particle systems in a graphical way by...