Time for action – using layers for controlling rendering
Layers don't just control what you can see while modeling. They also control what is rendered:
- Press the Shift key, and hold it while you press the LMB over the layer 1 box in the Layer Visibility Control.
- Press F12 to render the scene. Press Esc when you have seen the rendering.
- Press Ctrl + MMB, and zoom back until you can see the lamp. Use the RMB to select the lamp.
- Press M to get the Move To Layer menu.
- Select Layer 5 on the menu with the LMB. Then, move the mouse away from the menu.
- Press F12 to render the scene. Press Esc when you have seen the rendering.
- Press the number 5. NumPad emulators select layer 5.
- Press M and 1.
- Press 1 and Shift + Alt + 7. NumPad emulators choose layer 1. Then, press Shift and choose layer 17.
- Press F12 to render the scene. Press Esc when you have seen the rendering.
- Use the RMB to select the monkey. Press X to delete it.
What just happened?
Just as the Shift key lets you select multiple objects...