Understanding Track Sensitivity
The results you get when using several functions depends on which tracks are enabled/selected in the Timeline window and how the transitions are constructed (i.e. straight cuts or split edits/"L-Cuts"). I call this Track Sensitivity. The functions that have this programming behavior are as follows:
Fast Forward & Rewind
Mark Clip
Go to Previous Edit and Go to Next Edit
How to do it...
Let's use the Fast Forward function to present the basic steps, and to point out the differences in the results, depending on what Track Selectors are enabled. In this example recipe, it's important to understand that we have several different segments (shots) in the sequence that have been placed on tracks V1, A1, and A2, and that the transition between each shot is a split edit (in other words, the cuts between shots are not straight, but are instead staggered. This is frequently referred to as an L cut). Follow these steps:
On the Record Track Selector Panel, enable only the...