Clip Mode: Setting a common Level or Pan to multiple segments
Overview example: imagine that you have many segments of narration (also known as Voice Over) on track A1. You edited them all in without making any changes to the original level they were recorded at. You recently added some music, ambience, and other sound effects and you have just adjusted one segment of Voice Over to mix better with the other audio elements. Now you want to make all the other Voice Over segments the same level as the one you just adjusted (rather than have to adjust them one by one).
How to do it...
This set of steps presumes that you have already adjusted one segment in your Sequence to a particular level and now want to make other segments on that same track to be the same level, as in the earlier Overview example.
Enable the Track Selectors for the track(s) you want to affect. In the situation described earlier, you would enable just track A1.
This step is optional: Mark In and Mark Out around a portion of...