In this chapter, we will learn the different mechanisms we can use to store data in our application development. We will learn about the server-side features in .NET, but not with IIS, because now with ASP.NET Core, we try to be server-agnostic and design the application with middlewares. This is why we will not cover IIS cache mechanisms we already know, such as output caching.
We will also learn about some HTML5 features to cache files or data on the client. This data can be either simple or complex data in JavaScript. If it is complex, we will store it as JSON.
To store this data, we will use JavaScript global variables named localStorage and sessionStorage. To cache files, we will prefer to use a manifest file.
Finally, we will learn how to store data as NoSQL data (or non-relational data as key-value pairs) in some client-side mechanism with IndexedDB, or...