We hope that you enjoyed this book and learned how to make your web applications high-performing and easy to maintain, particularly when you use C#, ASP.NET Core and .NET Core. We tried to keep as much advice as possible applicable to general web app development, while gently introducing you to the latest open source frameworks from Microsoft and others.
Clearly a topic such as this changes quite rapidly, so keep your eyes open online for updates. There is an announcements repository on GitHub that is worth watching at . Hopefully, a lot of the lessons in this book are generally good ideas and they will still be sensible for a long time to come.
Always keep in mind that optimizing for its own sake is pointless, unless it's just an academic exercise. You need to measure and weigh the benefits against the downsides; otherwise, you may end up making things worse. It is easy to make things more complex, harder to understand, difficult to maintain...