Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:
- What is an RTOS?
- What should be done to specify the ETS SoC hardware design as the target platform for FreeRTOS-based software projects?
- What is a BSP? List its components.
- How can we generate the boot components for the FreeRTOS project in the Vitis IDE?
- List the required steps for generating a LwIP Perf UDP client FreeRTOS-based software application.
- List the steps for customizing the BSP.
- What is an FSBL? When is it involved?
- Describe the steps performed by the FSBL we generated for the RTOS_SoC platform.
- List the steps you must follow to build the FreeRTOS software example.
- How can we target the QEMU virtual platform to run FreeRTOS-based software projects in the Vitis IDE?