Searching for homophones
You might encounter end users whose English is not that good, so they type the search keywords either as they sound or the way they are pronounced. For instance, words such as break and brake, meat and meet, tale and tail, and phone and fone sound the same when pronounced. There might be situations where the end user might intend to search for phone, and due to certain reasons, they type fone
. In such a scenario, by default, Solr considers fone
(the word actually typed by the user) instead of phone (what the user actually meant), and the relevant documents are prone to be missed in the rendered result set. To avoid missing the relevant documents in the search results, we need to handle this in such a way that our Solr should be capable of rendering the results for the keywords that sound similar to the typed ones. Can such scenarios be handled by our Solr? The answer is yes; we can make our Solr capable of performing well, and we will learn how to do it in this section...