What are CNNs used for?
CNNs are mostly used with images or videos, and sometimes with text to tackle Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems. They are often used in object recognition, for example, predicting whether there is a cat or a dog in a picture or video. They are also often used with deep Q-learning (which we will discuss later on), when the environment returns 2D states of itself, for example, when we are trying to build a self-driving car that reads outputs from cameras around it.
Remember the example in Chapter 9, Going Pro with Artificial Brains - Deep Q-Learning, where we were predicting houses' prices. As inputs, we had all of the values that define a house (area, age, number of bedrooms, and so on), and as output, we had the price of a house. In the case of CNNs, things are very similar. For example, if we wanted to solve the same problem using CNNs, we would have images of houses as inputs and the price of a house as output.
This diagram...