This first chapter offered a complete overview of Fastify’s framework. It touched on all the essential features it offers, thus allowing you to start “playing” with the applications.
So far, you have learned how to instantiate a server, add routes, and turn it on and off gracefully. You have seen the basic logger configuration and have learned how to use it. However, more importantly, you have understood the basic concepts behind Fastify and its components. You had a quick insight into request hooks and more comprehensive examples regarding application hooks. Lastly, you were presented with a simple outline of the lifecycle that controls the execution of the code.
Now that you are confident with the syntax, get ready to explore the details of this great framework!
In the next chapter, we will expand the Fastify booting process and discover new possibilities that are going to make our daily job much easier. Moreover, we will explore the plugin system in depth in order to become proficient and start building our first plugins.