In this article by Michelle M. Fernandez, author of the book Corona SDK Mobile Game Development Beginner's Guide, we can upload our first Hello World application on an iOS device, we need to log in into our Apple developer account so that we can create and install our signing certificates on our development machine. If you haven't created a developer account yet, do so by going to http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/. Remember that there is a fee of $99 a year to become an Apple developer.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
The Apple developer account is only applied to users developing on Mac OS X. Make sure that your version of Xcode is the same or newer than the version of the OS on your phone. For example, if you have version 5.0 of the iPhone OS installed, you will need Xcode that is bundled with the iOS SDK version 5.0 or later.
Make sure that you're signed up for the developer program; you will need to use the Keychain Access tool located in /Applications/Utilities so that you can create a certificate request. A valid certificate must sign all iOS applications before they can be run on an Apple device in order to do any kind of testing. The following steps will show you how to create an iOS developer certificate:
We now have a valid certificate for iOS devices. The iOS Development Certificate is used for development purposes only and valid for about a year. The key pair is made up of your public and private keys. The private key is what allows Xcode to sign iOS applications. Private keys are available only to the key pair creator and are stored in the system keychain of the creator's machine.
You are allowed to assign up to 100 devices for development and testing purposes in the iPhone Developer Program. To register a device, you will need the Unique Device Identification (UDID) number. You can find this in iTunes and Xcode.
To find out your device's UDID, connect your device to your Mac and open Xcode. In Xcode, navigate to the menu bar, select Window, and then click on Organizer. The 40 hex character string in the Identifier field is your device's UDID. Once the Organizer window is open, you should see the name of your device in the Devices list on the left-hand side. Click on it and select the identifier with your mouse, copying it to the clipboard.
Usually, when you connect a device to Organizer for the first time, you'll receive a button notification that says Use for Development. Select it and Xcode will do most of the provisioning work for your device in the iOS Provisioning Portal.
With your device connected, open iTunes and click on your device in the device list. Select the Summary tab. Click on the Serial Number label to show the Identifier field and the 40-character UDID. Press Command + C to copy the UDID to your clipboard.
To add a device to use for development/testing, perform the following steps:
Now that you have added a device to the portal, you will need to create an App ID. An App ID has a unique 10-character Apple ID Prefix generated by Apple and an Apple ID Suffix that is created by the Team Admin in the Provisioning Portal. An App ID could looks like this: 7R456G1254.com.companyname.YourApplication. To create a new App ID, use these steps:
You can create a wildcard character in the bundle identifier that you can share among a suite of applications using the same Keychain access. To do this, simply create a single App ID with an asterisk (*) at the end. You would place this in the field for the bundle identifier either by itself or at the end of your string, for example, com.domainname.*. More information on this topic can be found in the App IDs section of the iOS Provisioning Portal at https://developer.apple.com/ios/manage/bundles/howto.action.
All UDIDs are unique on every device, and we can locate them in Xcode and iTunes. When we added a device in the iOS Provisioning Portal, we took the UDID, which consists of 40 hex characters, and made sure we created a device name so that we could identify what we're using for development.
We now have an App ID for the applications we want to install on a device. An App ID is a unique identifier that iOS uses to allow your application to connect to the Apple Push Notification service, share keychain data between applications, and communicate with external hardware accessories you wish to pair your iOS application with.
A provisioning profile is a collection of digital entities that uniquely ties apps and devices to an authorized iOS Development Team and enables a device to be used to test a particular app. Provisioning profiles define the relationship between apps, devices, and development teams. They need to be defined for both the development and distribution aspects of an app.
To create a provisioning profile, go to the Provisioning Profiles section of the Developer Portal and click on the + icon. Perform the following steps:
Devices that have permission within the provisioning profile can be used for testing as long as the certificates are included in the profile. One device can have multiple provisioning profiles installed.
Currently, our app has no icon image to display on the device. By default, if there is no icon image set for the application, you will see a light gray box displayed along with your application name below it once the build has been loaded to your device. So, launch your preferred creative developmental tool and let's create a simple image.
The application icon for standard resolution iPad2 or iPad mini image file is 76 x 76 px PNG. The image should always be saved as Icon.png and must be located in your current project folder. iPhone/iPod touch devices that support retina display need an additional high resolution 120 x 120 px and iPad or iPad mini have an icon of 152 x 152 px named as Icon@2x.png.
The contents of your current project folder should look like this:
Hello World/ name of your project folder
Icon.png required for iPhone/iPod/iPad
Icon@2x.png required for iPhone/iPod with Retina display
In order to distribute your app, the App Store requires a 1024 x 1024 pixel version of the icon. It is best to create your icon at a higher resolution first. Refer to the Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines for the latest official App Store requirements at http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/Introduction/Introduction.html.
Creating an application icon is a visual representation of your application name. You will be able to view the icon on your device once you compile a build together. The icon is also the image that launches your application.
In this article, we covered how to test your app on an iOS device and register your iOS device.
Further resources on this subject: