Exploratory data analysis (EDA) refers to the initial investigation of data to discover patterns, identify outliers and anomalies, test hypotheses, and check assumptions with the goal of informing future analysis and model building. It is an iterative, exploratory process of questioning, analyzing, and visualizing data.
Some key aspects of exploratory data analysis include:
The goals of EDA are to understand the dataset, detect useful patterns, formulate hypotheses, and make decisions on how to prepare/preprocess the data for subsequent modeling and analysis. It is an iterative, exploratory process of questioning, analyzing, and visualizing data.
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an important but often tedious process with challenges and pitfalls. The use of ChatGPT saves hours on repetitive tasks. ChatGPT handles preparatory data wrangling, exploration, and documentation - freeing you to focus on insights. Its capabilities will only grow through continued learning. Soon, it may autonomously profile datasets and propose multiple exploratory avenues. ChatGPT is the perfect on-demand assistant for solo data scientists and teams seeking an effortless boost to the EDA process. The drawback of ChatGPT is it can only handle small datasets. There are a few methods like handling smaller datasets and generating Python code to do the necessary analysis.
The following table provides detailed challenges/pitfalls during EDA:
Challenge/Pitfall | Details |
Getting lost in the weeds | Spending too much time on minor details without focusing on the big picture. This leads to analysis paralysis. |
Premature conclusions | Drawing conclusions without considering all possible factors or testing different hypotheses thoroughly. |
Bias | Personal biases, preconceptions or domain expertise can skew analysis in a particular direction. |
Multiple comparisons | Testing many hypotheses without adjusting for Type 1 errors, leading to false discoveries. |
Documentation | Failing to properly document methods, assumptions, and thought processes along the way. |
Lack of focus | Jumping randomly without a clear understanding of the business objective. |
Ignoring outliers | Not handling outliers appropriately, can distort analysis and patterns. |
Correlation vs causation | Incorrectly inferring causation based only on observed correlations. |
Overfitting | Finding patterns in sample data that may not generalize to new data. |
Publication bias | Only focusing on publishable significant or "interesting" findings. |
Multiple roles | Wearing data analyst and subject expert hats, mixing subjective and objective analysis. |
With ChatGPT, get an AI assistant to be your co-pilot on the journey of discovery. ChatGPT can provide EDA at various stages of your data analysis within the limits that we discussed earlier. The following table provides different stages of data analysis with prompts (these prompts either generate the output or Python code for you to execute separately):
Type of EDA | Prompt |
Summary Statistics | Describe the structure and summary statistics of this dataset. Check for any anomalies in variable distributions or outliers. |
Univariate Analysis | Create histograms and density plots of each numeric variable to visualize their distributions and identify any unusual shapes or concentrations of outliers. |
Bivariate Analysis | Generate a correlation matrix and heatmap to examine relationships between variables. Flag any extremely high correlations that could indicate multicollinearity issues. |
Dimensionality Reduction | Use PCA to reduce the dimensions of this high-dimensional dataset and project it into 2D. Do any clusters or groupings emerge that provide new insights? |
Clustering | Apply K-Means clustering on the standardized dataset with different values of k. Interpret the resulting clusters and check if they reveal any meaningful segments or categories. |
Text Analysis | Summarize the topics and sentiments discussed in this text column using topic modeling algorithms like LDA. Do any dominant themes or opinions stand out? |
Anomaly Detection | Implement an isolation forest algorithm on the dataset to detect outliers independently in each variable. Flag and analyze any suspicious or influential data points. |
Model Prototyping | Quickly prototype different supervised learning algorithms like logistic regression, decision trees, random forest on this classification dataset. Compare their performance and feature importance. |
Model Evaluation | Generate a correlation matrix between predicted vs actual values from different models. Any low correlations potentially indicate nonlinear patterns worth exploring further. |
Report Generation | Autogenerate a Jupyter notebook report with key visualizations, findings, concentrations, and recommendations for the next steps based on the exploratory analyses performed. |
Describe your dataset through natural language prompts, and ChatGPT instantly runs analyses to find hidden insights. No need to write code - let the AI do the heavy lifting! For this article, let’s use the CSV file available at: (https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/datablist/sample-csv-files/main/files/organizations/organizations-1000.csv) (http://tinyurl.com/mphebj4k)
Here are some examples of how ChatGPT can be used for exploratory data analysis:
In the below example, I pasted two hundred rows and see the prompt I gave.
This resulted in the following.
Look at the column details it provided. Asking for the list of categorical and numerical variables in table format produces the below:
Asking for a statistical summary of numerical columns would produce the following:
For certain aspects of EDA, ChatGPT produces Python code with pandas library import and the result will be shown like this:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Load the CSV file from the URL into a DataFrame
url = "https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/datablist/sample-csv-files/main/files/organizations/organizations-1000.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url)
# Display basic information about the DataFrame
print("Basic Info About the DataFrame:")
# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame
print("\nFirst Few Rows of the DataFrame:")
# Summary statistics of numerical columns
print("\nSummary Statistics of Numerical Columns:")
# Check for missing values
print("\nMissing Values:")
# Visualize data
# Example: Histogram of a numerical column (replace 'col_name' with the column name you want to plot)
# plt.hist(df['col_name'], bins=20)
# plt.xlabel('X-axis Label')
# plt.ylabel('Y-axis Label')
# plt.title('Histogram of col_name')
# plt.show()
# You can create more visualizations and explore relationships between columns as needed.
# Correlation matrix heatmap (for numerical columns)
correlation_matrix = df.corr()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix, annot=True, cmap="coolwarm", fmt=".2f")
plt.title("Correlation Matrix Heatmap")
Running this in Spyder (Anaconda UI) produces the following output without a single error:
As mentioned earlier in this article, ChatGPT is very powerful for its size, but there are still limitations since it runs on general consumer hardware rather than massive server clusters. Here are a few things to keep in mind regarding its capabilities with large datasets:
ChatGPT revolutionizes Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) by streamlining the process and making it accessible to a wider audience. EDA is crucial for understanding data, and ChatGPT automates tasks like generating statistics, visualizations, and even code, simplifying the process.
ChatGPT's natural language interface enables users to interact with data using plain language, eliminating the need for extensive coding skills. While it excels in initial exploration and data preparation, it may have limitations with large datasets or complex modeling tasks.
ChatGPT is a valuable EDA companion, empowering data professionals to uncover insights and make data-driven decisions efficiently. ChatGPT's role in data analytics is expected to expand as AI technology evolves, offering even more support for data-driven decision-making.
Rama Kattunga has been working with data for over 15 years at tech giants like Microsoft, Intel, and Samsung. As a geek and a business wonk with degrees from Kellogg and two technology degrees from India, Rama uses his engineering know-how and strategy savvy to get stuff done with analytics, AI, and unlocking insights from massive datasets. When he is not analyzing data, you can find Rama sharing his thoughts as an author, speaker, and digital transformation specialist. Moreover, Rama also finds joy in experimenting with cooking, using videos as his guide to create delicious dishes that he can share with others. This diverse range of interests and skills highlights his well-rounded and dynamic character.