What this book covers
Chapter 1, Installing Zabbix and Getting Started Using the Frontend, covers how to set up Zabbix, optionally with HA. We will also work our way through the Zabbix frontend.
Chapter 2, Getting Things Ready with Zabbix User Management, covers how to set up your first users, user groups, and user roles.
Chapter 3, Setting Up Zabbix Monitoring, covers how to set up almost any type of monitoring within Zabbix.
Chapter 4, Working with Triggers and Alerts, covers how to set up triggers and get alerts from them.
Chapter 5, Building Your Own Structured Templates, covers how to build templates that are structured, which will work wonders for keeping your Zabbix setup organized.
Chapter 6, Visualizing Data, Inventory, and Reporting, covers how to visualize data in graphs, maps, and dashboards. It also covers how to use the Zabbix inventory, reporting, and business service monitoring functionality.
Chapter 7, Using Discovery for Automatic Creation, covers how to use Zabbix discovery for automatic host creation as well as items, triggers, and more with agents, SNMP, WMI, and JMX.
Chapter 8, Setting Up Zabbix Proxies, teaches you how to set up Zabbix proxies correctly for use in a production environment.
Chapter 9, Integrating Zabbix with External Services, teaches you how to integrate Zabbix with external services for alerting.
Chapter 10, Extending Zabbix Functionality with Custom Scripts and the Zabbix API, covers how to extend Zabbix functionality by using custom scripts and the Zabbix API.
Chapter 11, Maintaining Your Zabbix Setup, covers how to maintain a Zabbix setup and keep its performance up over time.
Chapter 12, Advanced Zabbix Database Management, teaches you how to manage Zabbix databases for an advanced setup.
Chapter 13, Bringing Zabbix to the Cloud with Zabbix Cloud Integration, covers how to use Zabbix in the cloud with services such as AWS, Azure, and Docker.