Managing passwords and sensitive data
Quite likely when you began 'puting and surfin' you used only a few passwords, else maybe just the one, and likely you recycled passwords for various functions. Maybe you had one strong password for your PC login, another for online banking and punier ones for social networks, for forums and whatnot.
Meanwhile, you'd been filling out all those tedious web forms, assisted by that handy form filler. Maybe you wondered whether it was safe to add a credit card number to that filler, and then you heard about keyloggers, identity theft and fraud, and wondered again.
The risks and practicalities aren't even that simple. Let's consider this. What do we need?
To protect our passwords, sure. And our data, super-sure. But how?
We live in an online and web-centric world where we use multiple machines, multiple OS types, multiple browser flavors and you get the picture. To operate best we need data accessible from everywhere, hyper-heavily encrypted, and with tight...