Cloud fit-for-purpose considerations
The easiest way to define fit-for-purpose is a cloud that offers an established solution to known problems, usually those that are a part of a larger collection. Without acknowledging this, we already used a method of applying solutions to solve known problems on a daily basis. In the world of IT, fit-for-purpose is the context that a cloud equates to design patterns. Let's explore the following fit-for-purpose concepts one by one:
- Automated administration: The current problem in the IT world is to manage applications, data, technology, and users who undertake frequent administrative tasks that are essential and constant; administrative problems, such as human error and slow response time, create even more of a bottleneck. For such problems, the cloud provides a more sophisticated solution. The cloud solution for this problem is to automate administration jobs that are suitable for these purposes. This is done using scripts and on a that is platform...