Creating a Universal Logical Switch
A universal logical switch allows layer 2 segments to span across multiple sites and multiple layer 3 boundaries. Like creating a logical switch in a standalone deployment, a universal logical switch when created is tied to a Universal Transport Zone, which defines the span of the universal logical switch.
In this recipe, we will configure three universal logical switches for a three-tier app, as depicted in the following diagram:
Getting ready
To configure a universal logical switch, the following prerequisites must be satisfied:
- User with NSX Enterprise Administrator or NSX Administrator role
- NSX Managers in both vCenter domains must be deployed and configured for Cross-vCenter NSX
- Controller cluster in primary site is deployed and accessible
- Unicast control plane replication will be used
- ESXi hosts in either site can communicate with one another from their VTEP interfaces and the 1600-byte MTU has been set on the physical infrastructure
- Universal Transport Zone...