Chapter 4. Got Your Wires Crossed?—Visual Scripting of Gameplay in Kismet
This chapter deals with Kismet, which enables level designers to provision the actors in their scene with functionality driven by events and actions. Our goal is to hone in on a few of the many interesting challenges Kismet provides, and some basic understanding of the UDK editing environment is assumed.
Kismet UI essentials
Creating a simple enemy Bot
Event based movement of scene objects in Matinee
Trace actions in a shooting situation
Revealing and hiding scene actors during gameplay
Producing sounds through Kismet
Using Take Damage events to produce explosions
Understanding the usage of Named Variables
Tidying up Kismet networks using Sub-Sequences
Tidying up Kismet networks using Remote Events
Toggling Materials through Kismet
Toggling lights through Kismet
Animating PointLights in Matinee to mimic texture animation
Making a comparison following a countdown
Using an Integer Counter to count enemy deaths
Controlling node flow...