To make a billboard glow like a neon sign, you can use TextMesh Pro which presently comes included free with Unity. For instance:
- With ScoreBoard selected in Hierarchy, create a new TextMesh text element (right-click UI | TextMeshPro - Text).
- This replaces our standard UI text element, so disable the Text object.
- On the TMP text, set its Font Asset to Bangers SDF.
- For its Material Preset, use Bangers SDF Glow.
- Scroll to Glow settings to adjust the colors and other settings as you desire.
You can even write a script that cyclically modifies the glow settings to make a flashing, glowing sign!
If you choose to try this, be sure to update the GameController's KillTarget script to use the TMP object rather than the UI one. Modify KillTarget.cs as follows:
We may be using the UnityEngine TextMesh Pro classes:
using TMP;
Replace the data type of the scoreText...