Test your knowledge
Q1. The ML-Agents toolkit includes packages written in which language?
A. Rust
B. JavaScript
C. Python
D. Ruby
Q2. Each step of the learning algorithm goes through which cycle?
A. Observation-decision-action-reward
B. Decision-reward-action-observation
C. Observation-action-reward-decision
D. Action-observation-decision-reward
Q3. The command used to train an Agent is…
A. ml-agents –learn
B. mlagents-learn
C. ML-Agents learn
D. mlagents_env-learn
Q4. The name of the input vector into the ML algorithm is…
A. Vector Action
B. Observation List
C. Pre-Action Collection
D. Vector Observation
Q5. The name of the output from the ML algorithm is…
A. Vector Action
B. Post-Observation List
C. Vector Observation
D. Action List
Q6. The name of the function that is called at the beginning of each episode is…
A. ResetState
B. OnEpisodeBegin
C. SimulationStepComplete...