This chapter focused on creating a prototype for Message Bag, an informed wearable that follows a Design Innovation process. It aimed to help guide you in the process and create a near-body system. We started by revisiting our sewing skills and sewed the NeoPixels onto a bag with conductive thread. We used a new circuit board, the QT Py SAMD21, and it was chosen based on its capabilities, versatility, size, and price. We soldered the board to a charge board and then breadboarded it. We worked iteratively on the circuit (by adding one function and component at a time) to test it. We learned about the RFID reader and its capabilities. After completing this wearable implementation prototype, when we test and evaluate it, we see there are improvements and iterations that could be made. This is part of the process that should happen with all wearables you make.
As we look ahead to the next chapter, it is these iterations that we will focus on, and we will have another chance...