Discovering what you will be modeling next
In this section, you will create another outline. This one will be all about what you want to do with SketchUp. I am making an assumption here – that, for sure, you have some sort of plans to go beyond what you are modeling now (if not, you probably wouldn’t have picked up this book).
Let’s take a look at the sort of work you want or plan to do in SketchUp and break it down into these questions:
- Do you want to model something new?
- What new skills or tools do you need to know?
- What would a new workflow look like?
I know there is a little bit of fortune telling here, as you may not know exactly what you will be modeling in the future, or if you do, you may not know how to get that modeling done. Do your best, and remember that this is an exercise that can be done and redone as often as you like. If you do not know what type of model you will need to create for work tomorrow, do this exercise now...