Coupling is a measure of how strongly one software unit depends on other units. A unit with high coupling relies on many other units. The lower the coupling, the better.
For example, if a class depends on private members of another class, it means they're tightly coupled. A change in the second class would probably mean that the first one needs to be changed as well, which is why it's not a desirable situation.
To weaken the coupling in the preceding scenario, we could think about adding parameters for the member functions instead of directly accessing other classes' private members.
Another example of tightly coupled classes is the first implementation of the Project and developer classes in the dependency inversion section. Let's see what would happen if we were to add yet another developer type:
class MiddlewareDeveloper {
void developMiddleware() {}
class Project {
void deliver() {
FrontEndDeveloper fed_;
MiddlewareDeveloper med_;
BackEndDeveloper bed_;
It looks like instead of just adding the MiddlewareDeveloper class, we had to modify the public interface of the Project class. This means they're tightly coupled and that this implementation of the Project class actually breaks the OCP. For comparison, let's now see how the same modification would be applied to the implementation using dependency inversion:
class MiddlewareDeveloper {
void develop() { developMiddleware(); }
void developMiddleware();
No changes to the Project class were required, so now the classes are loosely coupled. All we needed to do was to add the MiddlewareDeveloper class. Structuring our code this way allows for smaller rebuilds, faster development, and easier testing, all with less code that's easier to maintain. To use our new class, we only need to modify the calling code:
using MyProject = Project<FrontEndDeveloper, MiddlewareDeveloper, BackEndDeveloper>;
auto alice = FrontEndDeveloper{};
auto bob = BackEndDeveloper{};
auto charlie = MiddlewareDeveloper{};
auto new_project = MyProject{{alice, charlie, bob}};
This shows coupling on a class level. On a larger scale, for instance, between two services, the low coupling can be achieved by introducing techniques such as message queueing. The services wouldn't then depend on each other directly, but just on the message format. If you're having a microservice architecture, a common mistake is to have multiple services use the same database. This causes coupling between those services as you cannot freely modify the database schema without affecting all the microservices that use it.
Let's now move on to cohesion.