Implementing the Page Object model in Python
Implementing the Page Object model in Python is similar to what we have done previously in Java and C#. The Selenium WebDriver Python bindings provide support for objects of the Page Object model.
In this recipe, we will implement the Page Object model using Python bindings.
Getting ready
Before implementing the Page Object model for Python bindings, we must do the following:
Identify pages and the elements from the application that will be required in the tests
Define locators that will be needed to identify the elements uniquely
How to do it...
To implement the Page Object model in Python, follow these steps:
Define a class for the Page Object model by creating a Python script with the name of the page. In this example, we will be creating a Page Object model for the main page of the BMI Calculator application, as follows:
class BmiCalcPage(object): def __init__(self, driver): self._driver = driver self._url = ' http://cookbook.seleniumacademy...