A view for prior months' expenses
Our view for the previous months' expenses should be one that renders a list of the existing months in our budget. It should give us the month, the budget allocated for the month, and have the years separated by some sort of a header. Then, on tap, it should go to the summary for each month to show us our previous months' expenses that were input.
We should create some functions in a new utilities file, named mockDataMethods
, to help us mock the data for the previous months and populate our app:
// Expenses/app/utils/mockDataMethods.js import { setAsyncStorage } from './storageMethods'; const years = ['2017', '2016', '2015']; const months = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12']; const expenses = [ { amount: '4', category: 'coffee', description: 'Latte' }, { amount: '1.50', category: 'books', description: 'Sunday Paper' }, { amount: '35', category: 'car', description: 'Gas' }, { amount: '60', category: 'restaurant...