Things have been running smoothly for CC, but developers want to ensure that the system can survive a crash. A crash is always possible, even when using RabbitMQ. Power outages happen, sudden packet losses may corrupt updates, and administrators can improperly configure the system by accident. There is still a chance that, due to a glitch or error, an entire instance could be lost. Steps must be taken to address any issues that could lead to data loss, negative customer experience, or even the dreaded 2 a.m. phone call to the team.
The good news is that RabbitMQ provides the features needed to deal with potential crashes and other catastrophes right out of the box. RabbitMQ can be configured to run in an active-active deployment environment, meaning that two or more nodes actively run the same kind of service simultaneously. Several brokers can be engaged in a cluster to act as a single highly available Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) service.