Creating a serverless database
Let's start by looking at how to provision a serverless database using the Azure portal:
- Open the Azure portal, In the search box, type
and then select SQL databases from the search drop-down list:Figure 12.4: Searching for SQL databases
On the SQL databases page, click Add to add a new SQL database:
Figure 12.5: Creating a new SQL database
- On the Create SQL Database page, provide information for Subscription, Resource Group, Database name, and Server. If you don't have an existing server, you can create a new Azure SQL Logical Server by clicking Create new and following the instructions:
Figure 12.6: The Create SQL Database pane
Click on the Configure database link to configure the database properties.
- On the Configure page, under the General-Purpose tab (vCore pricing model), select Compute tier as Serverless.
Set Min vCores to 1 and Max vCores to 8:
The amount of memory available depends...