Chapter 4. Talking XMPP in the Browser Using XMPP-FTW
The Internet is everywhere and no longer is it safe to assume that an application is something you download and install. More and more applications come in the form of web applications or web apps, and as this book has Practical in the title it would be outrageous not to move our server tools to the browser and build cool stuff from there.
In this chapter, we'll look at the traditional ways of interacting with XMPP in the browser, discover why it is difficult, and get to know and install XMPP For The Web (XMPP-FTW). Then we'll look at starting a conversation with the echo bot we created in XMPP-FTW). Then we'll look at starting a conversation with the echo bot we created in Chapter 3, Building a One-on-One Chat Bot - The "Hello World" of XMPP.