Part 2: Building an Architecture
This section walks through how to begin the solution design process: specifically, how to map out the high-level and conceptual design for subsequent implementation. Before we can get to the nitty-gritty of how we will accomplish a given design, we need to first answer the questions of why one design is optimal over another. This, as you might imagine, is unique to the business within which the solution will live.
These chapters begin a learn-by-doing approach that will continue throughout the rest of the book. Beginning with scope and requirements, we unpack how to evaluate the boundaries of our design scope: what needs are to be met, for what areas of the business, and under what constraints. After establishing these key factors that serve as raw materials to ensure business needs are met, we then put together a “toolbox” of the techniques that we will employ as we build the design, marshaling the resources that will help get us there...