Using the Validate action to perform message validation
In this recipe, we will show how to use the Validate action to perform message validation. We will use the same proxy service setup we have used in the Using the For Each action to process a collection recipe, with a proxy service with a Messaging Service type interface accepting a customer element. We will use the Validate action in the proxy service to make sure that the messae passed in is a valid customer.
Getting ready
You can import the OSB project containing the base setup for this recipe into Eclipse OEPE from \chapter-9\getting-ready\using-validate-to-do-message-validation
How to do it...
Let's add the Validate action to the proxy service we imported previously in the Getting, ready section. In Eclipse OEPE, perform the following steps:
Open the MessageValidation proxy service and navigate to the Message Flow tab.
Insert a new stage into the MessageProcessingPipelinePair and name it
.Insert a Validate action...