- Active Directory (AD) / Striking new features in 12c
- Active Session History (ASH)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Laying the foundation, Active Session History (ASH) analytics
- benefits / Laying the foundation
- ADDM findings
- displaying / Doctor in the database
- Administration page, software library / First steps: Software Library
- advanced options, data masking / Advanced options
- Alter Table command / Continuous comparison
- Application Change Console (ACC)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Lifecycle management
- Application Data Model (ADM)
- about / Test Data Management, Creating the Application Data Model
- creating / Creating the Application Data Model
- Application Developer Framework (ADF)
- about / Overview of version 12c
- Application Management Suites (AMS)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Applications tab, data subnetting / Applications
- Applied Patches Report
- about / Reporting
- ASH analytics
- about / Active Session History (ASH) analytics
- Associated Entities page, software library / First steps: Software Library
- Authorization Policy Manager (APM)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Auto Discovery feature
- about / Auto discovery
- Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Real-Time ADDM
- Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
- about / Case study – telecom
- Automatic Tuning Optimizer (ATO) / Laying the foundation
- Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
- about / Laying the foundation
- awrrpt.sql script
- about / Laying the foundation
- BEA Guardian tool
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- BEA Guardian tools
- about / Lifecycle management
- benefits, data masking / Benefits and capabilities
- BI Publisher Enterprise Reports
- about / Reporting
- Block Change Tracking feature / Common solutions used in data centers
- brute force
- about / Common solutions used in data centers
- Bundle Patch 1 (BP1)
- about / Discovering Exadata
- Business Intelligence (BI) / Striking new features in 12c
- capabilities, data masking / New capabilities, Benefits and capabilities
- capabilities, Exadata / Total capabilities
- Cell Control Command-Line Interface (CellCLI) / Exadata grid
- Cell Smart Table Scan
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- challenges, Exadata / Meeting the challenges
- change management
- about / Change management
- client configurations
- about / Client configurations
- Client System Analyzer (CSA)
- about / Client configurations
- cloud computing
- about / The Grid – where the cloud came from
- future / Future of cloud computing
- Cloud Control 12c
- overview / Overview of version 12c
- features / Striking new features in 12c
- Cloud Designer
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- cluster, Exadata
- adding / Adding the cluster and databases
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Compliance library
- column
- masking format, defining for / Defining the masking format
- columns
- adding, to mask / Adding columns to mask
- Compare Configurations wizard
- about / History and compares
- Compare Period ADDM
- about / Compare Period ADDM
- compliance library
- about / Compliance library
- compliance reporting
- about / Configuration and compliance reporting
- compliance reports
- about / Configuration and compliance reporting
- compliance standards
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Configuration Change Console (CCC)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Lifecycle management
- Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Custom configurations, Recommended patches
- configuration reporting
- about / Configuration and compliance reporting
- configuration reports
- about / Configuration and compliance reporting
- continuous comparison feature
- about / Continuous comparison
- CPUs (Critical Patch Updates)
- about / Case study – pharmaceutical
- Create-Table-As-Select (CTAS) / Generated Script
- Critical Patch Updates (CPUs)
- about / Team effort
- custom configurations
- about / Custom configurations
- customer case studies, Oracle Enterprise Manager
- telecom / Case study – telecom
- pharmaceutical / Case study – pharmaceutical
- computer manufacturer / Case study – computer manufacturer
- online store / Case study – online store
- financial institution / Case study – financial institution
- university / Case study – university
- database, Exadata
- adding / Adding the cluster and databases
- Database Administrators (DBAs)
- about / Common solutions used in data centers
- Database as a Service (DBaaS)
- about / Future of cloud computing
- Database as a Service (DbaaS)
- about / Meeting the challenges
- Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
- about / Team effort, Case study – telecom, Future of cloud computing
- Database Diagnostics and Tuning pack / Total capabilities
- Database Diff
- about / Change management
- Database Lifecycle Management (DBLM) / Case study – telecom
- Database Lifecycle Management Pack
- about / Change management
- database machine resource utilization, Exadata / Database machine resource utilization
- database performance pages, Exadata / Database performance pages
- database provisioning
- about / First steps: Software Library
- Database Replay / Testing infrastructure changes
- Databases home page
- about / Overview of version 12c
- Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) / Striking new features in 12c
- data centers
- solutions used, for addressing issues / Common solutions used in data centers
- data comparison
- about / Data comparison
- Data Discovery and Modeling (DDM)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- data masking
- capabilities / New capabilities, Benefits and capabilities
- advanced options / Advanced options
- generated script / Generated Script
- job, scheduling / Scheduling the job
- results, testing / Testing the results
- format library / Format library
- benefits / Benefits and capabilities
- data masking definitions
- creating / Creating data masking definitions
- Data Masking pack
- about / Test Data Management
- data masking script
- about / Generated Script
- data subsetting
- about / Test Data Management, Data subsetting
- Applications tab / Applications
- Table Rules tab / Table rules
- Rule Parameters tab / Rule parameters
- Space Estimates tab / Space estimates
- Pre/Post Subset Script tab / Pre/Post subset script
- capabilities / Benefits and capabilities
- benefits / Benefits and capabilities
- about / Change management
- DBMS_COMPARISON package / Data comparison
- deployment procedure
- about / Provisioning library
- deployment procedures
- about / Deployment procedures
- customizing / Customization
- lock down / Lock down
- configuration details / Configuration details
- Compliance standards tasks / Compliance standards
- deployment procedures, patching / Other patching procedures
- detailed configuration
- about / Detailed configuration
- dictionary definitions
- about / Change management
- Disaster Recovery (DR)
- about / Case study – telecom
- E-Business Suite (EBS)
- about / Lifecycle management
- emctl command
- about / Refreshes
- about / Patching roles
- about / Patching roles
- about / Patching roles
- Enterprise Manager
- running, as Provisioning Operator / Running EM as the Provisioning Operator
- Enterprise Manager Data Masking pack / Total capabilities
- ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) / Benefits and capabilities
- Exadata
- challenges / Meeting the challenges
- discovering / Discovering Exadata
- managing / Monitoring and managing Exadata
- monitoring / Monitoring and managing Exadata
- database machine resource utilization / Database machine resource utilization
- Infiniband network / Infiniband network
- database performance pages / Database performance pages
- capabilities / Total capabilities
- about / Future of cloud computing
- Exadata discovery process
- host targets, adding / Adding the hosts
- non-host targets, adding / Adding non-host targets
- database, adding / Adding the cluster and databases
- cluster, adding / Adding the cluster and databases
- Exadata grid / Exadata grid
- Exadata X2-2 Full Rack Database Machine / Generated Script
- Exalogic
- about / Future of cloud computing
- facet
- about / Compliance library
- Fast Incremental Backups feature / Common solutions used in data centers
- features, Cloud Control 12c / Striking new features in 12c
- find command / Search capability
- Flash Recovery Area
- about / Case study – telecom
- format library, data masking / Format library
- Generate Subset wizard
- about / Generate subset
- Gold baseline / Use cases
- Grid
- overview / The Grid – where the cloud came from
- HCA (Host Channel Adapter) / Infiniband network
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Compliance library
- host targets, Exadata
- adding / Adding the hosts
- I/O Resource Manager (IORM)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- ILOM (Integrated Lights Out Manager)
- about / Meeting the challenges
- Incident Manager
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Infiniband network / Infiniband network
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- about / Future of cloud computing
- infrastructure changes
- testing / Testing infrastructure changes
- Inventory and Usage region
- about / Inventory
- job, data masking
- scheduling / Scheduling the job
- Junior DBA
- about / Team effort
- Kerberos authentication / Striking new features in 12c
- KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse)
- about / Meeting the challenges
- lifecycle management
- about / Lifecycle management, Lifecycle management
- mask
- columns, adding to / Adding columns to mask
- masking format
- defining, for column / Defining the masking format
- metadata
- about / Schema Change Plan
- Microsoft SQL Server
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Middleware Diagnostics Advisory
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- My Oracle Support (MOS)
- about / Team effort, Overview of version 12c, Refreshes, Discovering Exadata
- National Institute of Standards (NIST)
- about / The Grid – where the cloud came from
- Network Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
- about / Deployment
- non-Exadata
- about / Future of cloud computing
- non-Exalogic
- about / Future of cloud computing
- non-host targets, Exadata
- adding / Adding non-host targets
- Operational Expenditure (OPEX)
- about / Case study – telecom
- Oracle 9i
- about / The Grid – where the cloud came from
- Oracle Access Manager Single Sign-On (OAM SSO) / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Authorization Policy Manager (OAPM)
- about / Lifecycle management
- Oracle Chargeback and Trending
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Cloud Application
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Clusterware
- about / Case study – telecom
- Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM)
- about / Custom configurations
- Oracle Database
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c
- lifecycle management / Lifecycle management
- Auto Discovery feature / Auto discovery
- Inventory and Usage region / Inventory
- detailed configuration / Detailed configuration
- Search Capability feature / Search capability
- configuration history, retaining / History and compares
- Compare Configurations wizard / History and compares
- topology mapping feature / Topology
- custom configurations / Custom configurations
- client configurations / Client configurations
- security compliance / Compliance
- compliance library / Compliance library
- compliance reporting / Configuration and compliance reporting
- configuration reporting / Configuration and compliance reporting
- data comparison feature / Data comparison
- Oracle Flexible Architecture (OFA)
- about / Provisioning profiles
- Oracle Fusion Middleware
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Internet Directory (OID) / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Managed Files (OMF)
- about / Team effort
- Oracle Siebel
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Site Guard
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle SQL Developer
- about / Change management
- Oracle Technical Network (OTN)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Oracle Virtualization
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- out-of-place patching
- about / Out-of-place patching
- packages, Test Data Management
- creating / Creating packages
- patches
- deploying / Deployment
- patch information
- refreshing / Refreshes
- patching
- deployment procedures / Other patching procedures
- patching, roles
- about / Patching roles
- EM_PATCH_DESIGNER / Patching roles
- EM_PATCH_OPERATOR / Patching roles
- Patch Operator roles
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- patch plan
- about / Patch plan
- Patch Recommendations section
- about / Recommended patches
- Patch Set Updates (PSUs)
- about / Team effort
- PeopleSoft
- about / Benefits and capabilities
- performance diagnosis
- about / Team effort
- performance management
- foundation, laying / Laying the foundation
- Top Activity page / Top activity
- infrastructure changes, testing / Testing infrastructure changes
- SQL monitoring / SQL Monitoring
- ADDM findings, displaying / Doctor in the database
- Real-Time ADDM / Real-Time ADDM
- Compare Period ADDM / Compare Period ADDM
- ASH analytics / Active Session History (ASH) analytics
- permissions
- granting, to Provisioning Operator / Granting permissions to the Provisioning Operator
- Physical to Physical (P2P)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Physical to Virtual (P2V)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- plan template
- about / Plan template
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- about / Future of cloud computing
- Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
- about / Meeting the challenges
- pre-patching analysis
- about / Pre-patching analysis
- Pre/Post Subset Script tab, data subnetting / Pre/Post subset script
- profile
- about / Provisioning profiles
- Provisioning Designer
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Provisioning profiles
- provisioning library
- about / Provisioning library
- Provisioning Operator
- permissions, granting to / Granting permissions to the Provisioning Operator
- EM, running as / Running EM as the Provisioning Operator
- provisioning profiles
- about / Provisioning profiles
- about / The Grid – where the cloud came from
- Real-Time ADDM
- about / Real-Time ADDM
- Real Application Cluster (RAC)
- about / Case study – telecom
- Real Application Testing (RAT)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, New capabilities, Scheduling the job, Meeting the challenges
- Real User Experience Insight (RUEI)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Case study – online store
- Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- about / Case study – telecom
- rolling patching procedure
- about / Other patching procedures
- root cause analysis (RCA)
- about / Topology
- Rule Parameters tab, data subnetting / Rule parameters
- runCollection command
- about / Refreshes
- schema change plan
- about / Schema Change Plan
- creating / Schema Change Plan
- schema comparison
- about / Schema comparison
- schema synchronization
- about / Schema synchronization
- performing / Schema synchronization
- synchronization rules / Synchronization rules and mode
- synchronization mode / Synchronization rules and mode
- synchronization results / Synchronization results
- Search Capability feature
- about / Search capability
- security compliance
- about / Compliance
- self-updateable entities
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- examples / Striking new features in 12c
- Senior DBA
- about / Team effort
- sensitive data
- discovering, steps / Finding sensitive data
- Service Level Agreements (SLAs) / Total capabilities
- service request (SR)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- service requests (SRs)
- about / Custom configurations
- Siebel
- about / Benefits and capabilities
- software library
- about / First steps: Software Library
- Administration page / First steps: Software Library
- Associated Entities page / First steps: Software Library
- folder, creating for entities addition / First steps: Software Library
- Oracle Database Software Clone, configuring / First steps: Software Library
- Oracle Database Software Clone, reviewing / First steps: Software Library
- solutions
- used, in data centers / Common solutions used in data centers
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Compliance library
- Space Estimates tab, data subnetting / Space estimates
- SQL Access Advisor utility
- about / Top activity
- SQL monitoring
- about / SQL Monitoring
- SQL monitoring feature
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) / Testing infrastructure changes
- about / Testing infrastructure changes, New capabilities, Scheduling the job, Meeting the challenges
- SQL Repair Advisor utility / Laying the foundation
- SQL Tuning Sets (STS)
- about / New capabilities
- Sudo Privilege Delegation
- about / Auto discovery
- Sybase
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- synchronization
- executing / Executing the synchronization
- without change plan / Synchronization without a Change Plan
- synchronization mode
- about / Synchronization rules and mode
- synchronization results
- about / Synchronization results
- Synchronization Rules page
- about / Synchronization rules and mode
- SYSAUX Tablespace / Laying the foundation
- about / Lifecycle management
- system
- about / Topology
- Table Rules tab, data subnetting / Table rules
- Target Patchability Report
- about / Reporting
- team effort
- about / Team effort
- Test Data Management
- packages, creating / Creating packages
- Test Data Management Pack
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Test Data Management pack
- about / Test Data Management
- data subnetting / Data subsetting
- Top Activity page
- about / Top activity
- topology mapping
- about / Topology
- tuning
- about / Team effort
- Unix Hosts Parser
- about / Custom configurations
- use cases
- about / Use cases
- User Defined Deployment Procedure (UDDP)
- about / Striking new features in 12c, Customization
- Virtual Machines (VMs)
- about / Future of cloud computing
- WebLogic Server (WLS)
- about / Striking new features in 12c
- Z Shell (ZSH) Executable Files
- about / Compliance library