Modeling a governance structure with ProVision®
We said earlier that 'governance is a set of policies, procedures, and processes that ensures that work is done effectively'. Let's look at how we can use ProVision® to model these.
Policies and procedures
All organizations have policies and procedures. In some organizations they are written down. In others, they are not documented because the organization is too small to warrant them. Often, nobody has the time to create and maintain procedure manuals. If you don't know something, just ask someone who does.
As an organization grows, the argument for documenting policies and procedures gets stronger. Again, we must look at the context. Why document? We see two contexts and they lead to very different conclusions.
The first context is compliance. The purpose of the documentation is to demonstrate that you have effective and consistent policies and procedures. The more documentation, the more compliant you are. If there is a failure, then you can...