Using Subjects
This recipe shows how to use the Subject type family from the Reactive Extensions library.
Getting ready
To step through this recipe, you will need Visual Studio 2012. No other prerequisites are required. The source code for this recipe can be found at BookSamples\Chapter8\Recipe3
How to do it...
To understand the use of the Subject type family from the Reactive Extensions library, perform the following steps:
Start Visual Studio 2012. Create a new C# Console Application project.
Add reference to Reactive Extensions Main Library NuGet package. Refer to the Converting a collection to asynchronous observable recipe for details on how to do this.
In the
file, add the followingusing
directives:using System; using System.Reactive.Subjects; using System.Threading;
Add the following code snippet below the
method:static IDisposable OutputToConsole<T>(IObservable<T> sequence) { return sequence.Subscribe(obj => Console.WriteLine("{0}", obj), ex => Console...