Time for action – putting links in a Moodle web page
To aid the conversion, try arranging your desktop so that you have a Word document and a browser with Moodle in side by side. This will save you from repeatedly toggling between Moodle and your original document.
Return to your course front page and make sure that you have editing turned on.
Choose the topic you want to include the links in and click on Add a resource... and then choose Page from the list.
Type in a name for the new page.
Enter a brief description. This is required but can be as long or short as you wish.
We are now ready to copy over the information from your Word document. Return to your original document and select and copy the links you need.
Return to Moodle and paste the text you just copied into the Page content editing area:
Press the Cleanup messy code button (the button with the brush icon), to make sure that we don't include any special word processing formatting—which we don't need now we are going to display the...