Which tools to use
Gone are the days when the frontend was a mix of HTML and CSS files tied together with some manual work. Today there are a lot of tools that process, transform, and transpile our source files to generate the most up-to-date and browser-compatible CSS output. Some of the tools we’ll use in our custom theme development are the same used by Drupal for its own core themes.
Tailwind CSS
This is not a book about CSS, so we don’t want to spend time crafting style files, deciding how to name things and how to structure classes. Of course, you can still do that. You can write all the CSS or SCSS files that you need from scratch, or by using a framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation, following methodologies such as SMACSS (http://smacss.com) and BEM (https://getbem.com).
Instead, we’ll use Tailwind CSS (https://tailwindcss.com/).
Tailwind CSS uses a utility-first approach: instead of providing a set of classes for elements such as buttons...