Understanding the patterns and paradigms of Spring
Spring is a framework written in the Java language. It provides lots of modules, such as Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, Spring Web, and so on. It is popular for building enterprise applications. Initially, it was looked at as a Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) alternative. However, over the years, it has become preferred over JEE. Spring supports dependency injection (DI), also known as inversion of control (IoC), and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) out of the box at its core. Apart from Java, Spring also supports other JVM languages such as Groovy and Kotlin.
With the introduction of Spring Boot, the turnaround time for the development of web services was reduced. We can hit the ground running. This is huge and one of the reasons why Spring has become so popular lately.
Covering Spring fundamentals itself requires a dedicated book. I’ll try to be concise and cover all the features required for you to go ahead...