Built for performance
Now we all know why performance optimization is important for a mobile application or website. However, to implement and develop websites for performance, it takes time and money. If you fail to get budget approval from stakeholders for a project before it begins, you will have a really hard time. However, convincing them to do so is not that easy because usually, no one wants to invest if there is no valuable return to them.
It's easy to get excited about reducing metrics like load time and page weight, but they're probably not what matters to the people you need to get support from. Most of the time, stakeholders want to hear about what optimization will do for the things they care about. Some people will want to observe how it affects the bottom line. Others may be concerned more about what it means for page views and bounce rates. Learn what others care about and focus on prioritizing how performance improves those factors. You'll have a lot more success convincing...