Why design and UX are important
UX is not a new concept to the mobile world. Because of the limitations of the mobile devices many designers and developers give their attention to UX but, the question of compromising between performance and UX still seeks a clear answer.
The fundamental of mobile UX is very similar to desktop UX. However, the mobile technology is still evolving at a rapid pace, and the UX best practices are still emerging.
Mobile UX is all about how to keep the balance between, things that you are going to keep on the home page and how are you going to manage the rest of the contents. Also, it is really important that you provide a strong visual element to the user to help, how to navigate the site. As an example, you should clearly define the clickable area in your website or application. Without clearly defined buttons, the user will get confused, and they will spend more time trying to find the website's behavior.
The following are a few points that you can consider...