Monitoring updates across platforms
One key requirement for most environments is keeping your devices updated with the latest security patches. While Intune has systems to do the updating for you, there is always the chance that some devices will have issues installing the updates. To check these, we have the functionality to check the update status for Windows, iOS, and macOS (no Android at present).
Getting ready
To access these reports, we need to navigate to Devices in the Intune menu. Each is in a different location, which will be covered for each individual report.
How to do it...
We will start this recipe by looking at Windows updates before moving on to iOS and macOS.
Windows updates
Within Devices, click on Windows 10 and later updates.
This then gives you an overview of the following:
- Update ring device status – This shows any devices that have issues with the update ring policies themselves, not at the individual update level.
- Feature...