Applying Architectural Patterns
The second step is to decide per class the Architectural Patterns that we can use. We will use the Patterns that we learned in Chapter 2, Architectural Patterns, but in some special cases we might need to write down some new Patterns, based on the data structures that are not used in the standard application, or the Patterns that are outside the scope of this book.
The application setup
For the application setup, we will use the Singleton Pattern. This allows us to define a single set of values for the entire application that is kept in memory during the lifetime of the system.
To register our guests, we will use the standard Customer table in Dynamics NAV. This has pros and cons.
The good thing about doing this is the ability to use all the standard analysis options in the application for our customers without reinventing the wheel. Some B & B users might decide to also sell souvenirs or local products, so they can use items and the...