Analyzing meterpreter system commands
Let us start using meterpreter commands to understand their functionality. As it is a post exploitation tool, we will require a compromised target to execute the commands. We will be using a Windows 7 machine as a target that we have exploited using browser vulnerability. You can refer to the Internet Explorer CSS recursive call memory corruption recipe in Chapter 4, Client-side Exploitation and Antivirus Bypass, for further details.
Getting ready
After compromising the Windows 7 target machine, we will have a meterpreter session started as we have used the windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
payload. We will start off by using a simple ?
command that will list all the available meterpreter commands, along with a short description:
meterpreter > ?
Take a quick look at the entire list. Many of the commands are self-explanatory.
How to do it...
Let us start with some useful system commands.
: This command is used to set the current session as background...