An introduction to BOPF
BOPF is widely used in SAP standard modules (that is, transportation management, environment, and health and safety). As we mentioned in this chapter's introduction, we can also use this framework in our custom development. BOPF handles the most common development features, such as authorization control, low-level transaction handling, buffer management, provisioning of the consumer API, and business logic orchestration. It's well-integrated with a wide range of SAP components. From an interface and consumption perspective, it is integrated with SAPUI5, Classic DynPro, Web DynPro, and Gateway and Business Object Layer (BOL). From an infrastructure perspective, it is integrated with Archive Development Kit (ADK), Change Document, Application Log, BRF+, and Enterprise Search. This makes BOPF a powerful solution that every ABAP developer should know about.
Working with BOPF can take different forms. We can expand existing objects, use standard objects in our...