This chapter provided an overview of the structure within the Processing Toolbox and an introduction to the variety of advanced spatial analysis tools than can be accessed through the toolbox. You specifically learned how to create a shaded relief map, calculate the least-cost path, evaluate a viewshed, reclassify raster layers, query and combine raster layers, and calculate raster statistics using GRASS algorithms. You then learned how to crop raster layers using a polygon mask and reclassify, query, and combine raster layers using SAGA algorithms. You learned how to delineate a watershed and extract a vector stream network from a DEM using TauDEM algorithms. We explored the integration of spatial statistics using R packages to identify characteristics of landscape features. And in our last exercise, we explored how to visualize, convert and produce surfaces from LIDAR data using LAStools and Fusion. Perhaps most importantly, we saw how interoperable the native QGIS tools are with...